Historical Museum
Cambria, Calfornia!

visit to Cambria, California must include a stop off at the
Cambria Museum. This unique old house is both interesting
When I first moved to Cambria the old house was just an old, run down
house which seemed out of place. It looked like an old shack you
would see in the Mississippi delta.
After a complete restoration it is a wonderful addition to the
enchantment of this beautiful little town.
The history of the Guthrie Bianchini House is in
interesting. The house was built in 1970 by Thomas
I am told the house was in probate court for years and finally bought
by the Cambria Historical Society.
Joyce, a good friend of mine is on the board of the Historical Society
and she is extremely proud of the all that has been done to the
For several years I watched as the house transformed. Today, It
is really cool to watch the tourist browse around the property.
Recently, the house was the center of attention during the Scarecrow
and Harvest Festival.
Information on Museum

If you would like more information on the
Cambria Historical Museum Click Here.